Library in your classroom: Book an orientation, tour, or in-class instruction
Last Updated: Aug 14, 2019 Views: 70

If your students will be working on assignments for which they will need to research resources, the library can provide support. There are several 'Library in Your Classroom' services that we provide to help your students learn to find credible resources.

Library Orientation

Library Orientation includes brief (15 to 20 minutes) overviews of what the Library offers. It is delivered by Instructional Library staff in your own classroom, during class time.  These orientations should be booked two weeks in advance to ensure availability of Library staff, especially at the start of the Fall and Winter terms.

Library orientations can include information about the following subjects:

  • Library hours
  • Online and onsite collections
  • Borrowing partnerships
  • Library accounts
  • Speciality tools for your discipline

Library Instruction

Library instruction involves the delivery of a class (45 minutes), or a series of classes, developed by Instructional Library staff and the faculty member. These instruction sessions can highlight the application of different research skills, introduce a discipline-specific research resource or be in support of the coursework and assignments set by the faculty member.

Examples of topics that have been requested in the past include: 

  •     Refining research strategies.
  •     Finding and identifying scholarly nursing journals.
  •     Finding magazine, journal and newspaper articles for current event projects.
  •     Critical evaluation of web resources.
  •     Citing sources using tools within our electronic resources.
  •     Avoiding plagiarism and respecting copyright.

Planning Support

If you are developing any type of Library-based research assignments or projects for your course, it would be our pleasure to meet with you and review your document, or even help update your assignments.

For more information about all our Library in Your Classroom services, or to book any of these services, please visit the Library in Your Classroom page of the Library Faculty and Staff guide.

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    Need More Help?

    Do you need to talk to library staff? All campus libraries offer brief research consultation and search help during business hours. Contact us in one of the following ways and we will answer within 24 hours during the business work week:

    By Online Form


    By Live Chat

    • Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm

    By One-on-One Appointments

    • Students: research support in the form of advice or assistance. Please have a copy of your assignment or research notes with you to share with the reference staff.
    • Faculty: Curate resources for your online teaching from Library subscribed content. Learn how to use Open Educational Resources (OER) to find, share and adapt material for your online courses or receive guidance with copyright.

    Book Your Appointment