Google for research: Why you can’t only use Google for papers
Last Updated: Aug 14, 2019 Views: 73

While it may be tempting to do so, for the following reasons, you shouldn’t rely on Google for your academic research:

  • Google is a search engine not a source. The information boxes that can appear at the top of the results are pulled from other websites and are not necessarily accurate.
  • Results mix free and for-fee materials. You may find an article that looks relevant but be unable to access it without purchasing it. 
  • You would have to evaluate which resources are appropriate. Google does not screen for credibility, so you would have to evaluate each source yourself. 
  • Popular items listed first. 
  • Required materials may not be included in search results. Google actually “searches” only about 20% of the web.
  • Some disciplines require specific academic resources that are not available via Google.

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