You can use the Page 1+ platform from the Library homepage to search almost all of the Library's digital and print resources at once:
- Online: journal articles, magazine articles, newspaper articles, ebooks, video
- In-Library: books, DVDs
To search for resources in Page 1+:
- Type your search terms into the search box on the Library home page.
Tip: Plan your search before you begin by making a list of potential search terms. You can add to this list when you discover other terms during your search.
- By default, your results will display in a list ordered by relevance.
Tip: You can customize the ranking of your results by clicking on ‘Personalize’ and selecting your preferred disciplines/subject areas
- Click the title of a search result to view details about that item.
- You can read details about the result, such as author, source (journal, etc.), what type of document it is (article, etc.), the abstract, the call number, the location, etc.
- If the item is available in full text online, you can click the full text link to read it.
Note: if there is a resource that you want that isn’t available at Algonquin College, you may be able to request it by clicking ‘Resource Sharing’.