Booking Limits
Last Updated: Dec 07, 2023 Views: 316

To ensure that all students wishing to use the services provided by the Coaching Lab have an equal opportunity to access them, students can book appointments within the following limits:

Coaching Subject

ESL (English as a Second Language) 

Maximum of 1 session per day and 2 sessions per week regardless of the session format: online or on-campus and which ESL coach you see. 


Maximum of 1 session per day and 2 sessions per week regardless of the session format: online or on-campus and which Writing coach you see. 


No maximum


No maximum

Anatomy & Biology 

No maximum

Presentation Skills

No maximum

Study Skills

No maximum

English Conversation

No maximum

If it is determined that a student is intentionally going against any Coaching Lab policies, that student may be suspended from the services offered through the Coaching Lab for a semester or longer, depending on the severity of the situation.


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